Showing posts with label the walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the walk. Show all posts

February 1, 2012

coping with strange

today's post was written with a heavy heart.  a couple of days ago, my neighbor passed away.  he was 21.  i wasn't close to him and i'm not going to pretend like i was.  but his death made me really stop and think how much death that our community has faced in the last 4 years.  my small town home is a place where everyone at least knows everyone's face.  and even if you can't place the face you can bet that you know someone that was really close to that person.  in the last 4 years, my hometown has lost 7 of it's young people that i can remember.  at least 5 of those were the result of car accidents.  you begin to wonder why all this happens.  it's become really strange to me to think that i just saw my neighbor working on his car this last weekend and now he is just a memory.  the truth of the matter is that death is strange.  when God created the world, death was not a part of it.

"Sin came into the world because of what one man did, and with sin came death..."
- Romans 5:12

no one was meant to die, and that is why it is so strange & sad & awful.  thankfully God gave us a way to live.  eternally with Him.  when He sent His son Jesus to die for us, he conquered death.  because we have sinned, we cannot associate with God.  but Jesus can, Jesus is His son.  and if we believe in Jesus and follow Him, He will lead us to eternal life!

i never made an effort to talk with my neighbor or any of the kids that have passed away in our small community about this eternal life.  i'm not saying that they didn't follow Christ.  i'm just saying that i personally don't know because i was afraid of an awkward conversation.  this has haunted me on several occasions.  that's why i'm writing this post.  i'm saying to myself: "enough is enough.  you need to make a difference because no one is exempt when it comes to death or eternal life."

i didn't mean for this to be a heavy post but i did think it was necessary because it's what has been on my mind.  if anyone has any questions at all don't hesitate to comment or email me!!!  this is serious stuff. 

so today my prayer is a song quote by the band, revive:
teach me to number my days
and count every moment
before it slips away.
to take in all the colors
before they turn to gray.
i don't want to miss
even just a second
more of this.
cause it happens in a blink.

January 9, 2012

i cut my finger nails...

i cut my fingernails the other day.  

your not impressed?

to a normal person this may seem like a really weird topic for discussion.  however this has a bit more meaning for me.  i play guitar.  and fingernails have to be at a precise length in order to be able to play properly {i make that sound scientific, but really it’s not lol}.  but i am a girl & i like my fingernails!!

my wise guitar teacher once said: “if your fingernails are too long it’s a sign your not playing enough and therefore not practicing.” i just smiled at him and said, “you’re right.”

{like the stache?}
he was right & the truth of the matter is, i haven’t been playing enough!  since school has started i have yet to bring my guitar up to my apartment!  i admit that i’ve been busy, but that’s really no excuse.  i had planned that i would have enough songs to make a demo last year.  did that happen?  not even close!!  the last song i fully completed was for a friends wedding, that took place last summer!!  this blockage has severely impacted my walk too!!  my relationship with Christ is almost directly linked to my music, so if i'm not writing, i'm not spending enough time with God either!

so the fingernails came off, & guess what: a song was completed last night!!  i'm so excited!!  i hope to be sharing it with you soon!

but until then, here's to breaking writers block!
happy monday everyone!

December 25, 2011

don't forget

not to long ago my friend kacie and i heard a sermon by louie giglio entitled "the 12 words of christmas" by louie giglio.  it blew me away.  i don't really know why but i guess it was the way he explained it.  he put christmas into perspective for me.  it's not about presents or even being with your family.  those things are the REALLY GREAT features of celebrating christmas but we really need to focus on the 12 words of christmas instead of the 12 days of christmas.

louie explained in much detail about how much of a gift Jesus was.  He came at the most inopportune time: tax day & when there was no place for his mother to properly give birth to Him.  however it was Holy and perfect!  God works in mysterious and wondrous ways!!  "A Savior has been born to you and He is Christ the Lord!"  a savior has been given to us!!!  He would live for 33 years just to die for me, so that you & i could receive the gift of eternal life!  it's amazing to think that on one night, one baby could change everything!!

i had a very blessed christmas this year filled with surprises, time spent with family and wonderful gifts {thanks mom & dad}, but i'm overjoyed when i think about the gift of Jesus!!

i hope every single one of your christmas's was absolutely wonderful!! mine was!! but let's not forget who's birthday it was today and who came to live and die just for us!  He gave us the ultimate gift!!


November 28, 2011

a response to senioritis

today i was reading a post from a fellow blogger & friend,  jessica tingle.  she posted about her symptoms and how she copes with "senioritis."  and she has every right to be feeling senioritis & to want to drop everything now, because she is a senior and she has put up with college for 3.5 years, that's 2 more years than me.  even so, i am here to tell you that senioritis can be felt in a 19 year old sophomore, who in actuality only dreams about graduation.

so here is the deal: i dread going to class, i hate the work load, & i want to do what i want to do right now because somedays i can not see the point.  before you write me off as a wining, immature, & selfish girl, let me explain myself.

1)  i know that i'm very lucky to be able to go to college & invest in my education.
2)  i know there is value in a degree {no matter how minute it may seem right now in this economy}
3)  i know there is something BIGGER out there for my life that is just around the corner and it's hard to focus.
4)  and i would MUCH rather be fulfilling the dreams that God has for me than pulling my hair out over a stinkin' exam or a paper i have to write.

i'm restless, anxious, stressed out, and very claustrophobic whenever i think about my upcoming week at school.  if God were to bless me with an opportunity to fulfill His {and my} dreams & plans for my life, i would go without hesitation.  i would be out of here.  because i am so "ready" to go!
but at the same time, i know i am nowhere near ready because if i were, God would say "go."  UGH, do you see my dilemma?  so it's in times like these that i need to take a breath.  and this morning jessica helped me do just that.

i have a God that has a perfect plan for me.  and as long as i seek His will and listen to His voice, He will never lead me astray.  it's at these moments where i picture Jesus two inches away from my face with his hands on my shoulders, saying, "Yahweh" meaning "I am."  He then says, "restless child, be still, and know that i am God!"  - Psalm 46:10 mackenzie revised version {our paster always says that; except insert his name instead of mine lol} 

so jessica, i feel your pain.  for different reasons but i'm still feeling it.  thanks go to you girl, for opening up on your blog and for making me stop and think.  i know that i posted something similar to this earlier this semester on my previous blog, but i desperately needed a reminder!!
if you have issues with senioritis, link to jessica's blog in the comments or link below! 

November 21, 2011

a scripture log that's easy to keep

this weekend i went to the youth conference Hearts on Fire in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  our youth group always has a lot of fun on this trip and i will be doing another post later on the trip and what happened there but for now i wanted to post about this nifty little idea that i had while i was down there.  even though i try so very hard not to be tempted to buy a new bible every time i go, i always seem to walk away with a new one from the book table.  they are usually at a pretty good price and i'm normally drawn to the unique and strange designs on the covers but this year i purchased a plain yellow one.  however, i intend to make it very unique.  let me explain:

{bible: $10;  scripture that i won't forget: priceless}

i'm going to write scriptures that i love ALL of over the front and back covers!  sometimes it's hard to remember verses and i hope that i can memorize these scriptures but if i can't they will always by there for me to look up.  my personal log will be on the covers & that's what will make my bible unique.    the great thing about scriptures is that they are so personal!  & anyone can do this DIY scripture log.  all you need is a leather bound bible and some sharpies!  right now i'm loving my bible and how it turned out, i know it will look even better when i get more scriptures on it!!  so it made me wonder, how do you remember scriptures and keep up with the ones that speak to your heart?? feel free to comment, i LOVE to hear from you!!  and like i said earlier there is more coming from hearts on fire, so stay tuned!!   :)