-doodling is a productive way to end the semester-
- jeeze-lah-weeze! class today + homework due today & during finals week = not cool
- use birthday money to buy a bass then learn to play it... it's sounding more attractive the more i think it
- photo shoot anyone cause i'm in the mood
- statistics will be the death of me
- my sister!! she's twelve as of wednesday!! whoohoo!!
- astronomy class is like the peanut kids in school... wah wah wah wah waaaahhh!!
- come on summer!!
- the men in one direction are hotties with bodies!
- a motorcycle parking pass is more affordable than a car parking pass... get a two-wheeler & license soon!!
- the disqus comments are on the way out & i'm going to try to keep all of your lovely comments, but if i mess something up i sincerely apologize!! :(
- the list of things to "clean-up" on my blog is getting longer, but i can do this!! :)
as you can see i'm all over the place, but it's friday guys!!!
- realizing that you haven't responded to the "other" messages on facebook that have been there for over 3 months
- walking into a store & realizing you can't afford anything, but continuing to browse like you own the world
- learning to work in the back at a fast food restaurant... ohhh the pressure!!
- trying your hardest to get out of someones way but then ending up right in their way
- the redbox line
- an A in accounting after a mediocre effort, that class was cake
- mcdonald's chicken nuggets, it's been awhile but dang those things are good
- scouting vintage shops with jessica & kacie!!
- the song "somebody that i used to know" by gotye! it has seriously been stuck in my head for 2 weeks!
-feeling like a complete genius after figuring out html!! good riddens you ugly picture borders & FINALLY a centered post title!!!
- music gig season kicking back up... bring it on summer time!!!
"Evil people run even though no one is chasing them, but good people are as brave as a lion!"
- Proverbs 28:1
this week, i challenge you to be bold. be bold in your faith. reach out to others. do not run from His plans for you. dare to dream. step out & and show Him that you are ready to take on whatever life brings at you. for with him everything is possible & there is nothing that can slow you down. this is some advice i've been needing lately, so i'm challenging myself as much as i'm challenging you! i need to take risks, my relationship with God has become static, & i'm sick of it!! so this is my theme for this week!
so my friend, jessica, does this post almost every monday and i have fallen for the darn thing! i love the format and i love looking at pics from other peoples lives, so i'm going to start sharing mine too on a more frequent basis!!
my blend & correcting the cup
retro chic geek & the roommate passing out after work
this shirt obviously has two prints. but the sad thing was that i really wanted to wear the stripped pattern today instead of the awesome paisley looking pattern. the bad news was that the stripe side was the inside of the shirt. so, i did the logical thing and wore my shirt inside out today! lol. but now that i am bold enough, i now have two completely different looks with one shirt!!!
have a good friday & a spectacular weekend everyone!!
you know they always say that friday the 13 is suppose to be unlucky & a day of spooks...
i successfully slept in until 10.
ate breakfast at starbuck's {my fav}.
went to target checked out their summer collection & picked up a movie or two.
i watched chris hemsworth in Thor.
i only have 1, 1 hour class, in which i do absolutely nothing but get ahead on homework and blog.
i have planned an amazing weekend, which hopefully i will get to share with you lovely people next week.
so i'm loving life right now!! friday the 13th? bah hum bug
- basically falling into wonderland when plopping into an unsupported loveseat at starbuck's {really there should have been some sort of warning!!}
- being that person in a group that the teacher looks to for answers
- not having any recent pictures of myself to put on here {this one is from last fall lol}
- figuring out the complex parking structures of the University of Kentucky
- finding places for everything in your new wallet & purse
- remembering where you put things in your new wallet & purse
- not knowing what the bank tellers see on their TV screens when i'm completing a transaction
- talking to a stranger through the windows of our cars in the middle of traffic, "hey... hey... hey girl... i bet ALL yo' friends jealous 'cuz yo' hair look so good!"... um thanks but really?
- having no exams this week
- being through with my accounting class a good two weeks before classes actually end
- getting the schedule for this summer & next semester on the first try
- possibly having 2 jobs this summer!! wha?!
- the Hunger Games soundtrack: a perfect blend of vintage country & indie rock
- reading others' blogs!! i usually don't have time to actually read others' blogs but this week i did... i was impressed guys!! keep up the good work!! i'll be back soon!! :)
- ghost whisperer... one of my favs
- and hey it's almost friday!!
so i was doing my devotional last week about prayer & the verse was "pray continually." i thought," well that was kind of lame and uneventful" so i clicked the "read entire passage" button & found verse gold!! i made this little picture above & i love it so much i've decide to either print this out or paint these verses on something!! this is how i should live!
anyways about prayer...
Joyce Meyer is brilliant. i needed a reminder about what it means to pray continually. praying doesn't have to be a formal thing!! when i was a freshman in college, i remember before i would walk out the door i would whisper a prayer for safety. i know it doesn't sound like much, but it not only let God know that i was worried but it reminded me that everything was okay because the big guy upstairs was looking after me!
i challenge you to pray continually!!! it helps... A LOT!!