May 2, 2012

wordy wednesday: entry #7

"i do not mean that i am already as God wants me to be.  i have not yet reached that goal, but i continue trying to reach it and to make it mine.  Christ wants me to do that, which is the reason He made me His."
- Phillipians 3:12

MRV {mackenzie revised version}: 
i do not have it all together but i am His.  He created me for a purpose & He has a plan for me.  so eat, sleep, & breath the plan.

i have made it half way through college & have struggled every single day of it.  i have questioned if i am majoring in the right thing, and at some points i have questioned if i should be in college at all.  i am so busy being confused with myself that i forget the best part.  Phillipians has an entire sub-section on how we need to focus on the goal, God's plan & eternal life. 

i am no where near the goal that God has laid on my heart, but i will do everything in my power to get there.  it may be 2 weeks from now and it might be two decades from now, but all i can do is move forward in my life.

looking back is nice, but God wants me to go forward to complete the tasks that He has given me right now.  if that means i have to go through college first, so be it.  i'll do it because He wants me to & because i know that all of my dreams, ideas, and knowledge that i have will all be used to glorify Him!!

if you are familiar with my posts, i do these motivational ones from time to time, specifically about college, simply because i struggle with it so much.  i still need reminders like "God is control" or "focus on the goal."  and if i need them maybe you guys do to.  so remember to keep your eye on the prize {eternal life}, that He can use any and all experiences to glorify His name {whatever He has placed before you now}, and to trust in Him to fulfill His plan through you {all those big plans that He has laid on your heart, just stay tuned, He's getting those in place for you}!    :)

happy wordy wednesday, guys!!

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